
The next-gen customer engagement platform

Salesforce 360

Why Pendula?

Inspire, engage and retain modern customers with the next generation of intelligent customer engagement. Pendula puts marketing and CX teams in the drivers seat today, by defying the limits of data and journeying, bringing their campaigns to life for transformed business growth tomorrow..


Connect with unlimited data sources, across multiple systems. Access rich insights into customer needs, wants and interests, all without engaging IT or developers. Build better CX by leveraging the things you know about your customers. Pendula integrations hub allows you to access and update customer data from more than 80 sources to convert raw data into actionable insights.


Salesforce 360


Delight your customers with hyper-personalised experiences as creative as your imagination can conceptualise without being limited by siloed or outdated data.


Build adaptive and meaningful two-way customer experiences delivered at the perfect moment, to the right customer and on the right channel, for lifelong loyalty.


improvement to engagement


Average engagement/response rate


Average cross/upsell rate



See what our clients are saying

We’re ready to discuss your goals, get in touch with us today!

If you would like to enquire about how Pendula can help your business or have any questions or comments, please contact us via email, phone or send us a message.

Phone: +61 425 645 228